

Product or variant statuses

inStockProduct can be used in product recommender
outOfStockProduct won't be used in product recommender
notAvailableProduct won't be used in product recommender


The categoryIDs - array of strings. It should containt all categories ID's to which product belongs, including parent categories ID's.

Remember to pass all categories using categories endpoint.


productIDstringProduct ID in your system
titlestringProduct title
statusstringValues: inStock, outOfStock, notAvailable
descriptionstringProduct description. We'll limit it to 30 words.
currencystringCurrency ISO 4217 code
productUrlstringLink to product page
vendorstringProduct vendor
typestringA categorization that a product can be tagged with, commonly used for filtering and searching. For example: book, virtual good, music. This is not a product category.
createdAtstring (format: date-time)Product creation date. Use the ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
updatedAtstring (format: date-time)Product update date. Use the ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
tagsarray of stringsArray of product tags.
categoryIDsarray of stringsArray of categories ID's. Pass all categories ID's, including all parent categories ID's, to which product belongs.
imagesarray of objectsProduct images. Max 20.
images.imageIDstringUnique image ID
images.urlstringLink to product image
images.isDefaultbooleanTrue if this is default product image
images.variantIDsarray of stringsArray of variants ID's that the images belong to
variantsarray of objectsArray with product variants. Product must have at least one variant. If your product doesn't have variants, use the product's info as the variant (example: variantID = productID, title=variants.title, etc.)
variants.variantIDstringProduct variant identificator
variants.titlestringVariant title
variants.skustringVariant's stock keeping unit
variants.statusstringValues: inStock, outOfStock, notAvailable
variants.priceintegerProduct price in cents
variants.oldPriceintegerProduct old price in cents
variants.productUrlstringLink to variant's page
variants.imageIDstringDefault variant image ID (imageID), defined in products.images array.




categoryIDstringCategory ID in your system
titlestringCategory title
createdAtstring (format: date-time)Category creation date. Use the ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
updatedAtstring (format: date-time)Category update date. Use the ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z