Endpoint: https://api.omnisend.com/v3/campaigns

Campaign statuses

draftCampaign saved as draft.
pausedCampaign is paused
scheduledCampaign is scheduled
inProgressSending in progress
sentSending finished.

Campaign types

standartStandart campaign
abTestA/B test campaign.


campaignIDstringCampaign ID
namestringCampaign name
statusstringCampaign status - see above for available statuses.
typestringCampaign type. See above for available types.
fromNamestringFrom name for this campaign emails
subjectstringCampaign emails subject
createdAtstring (format: date-time)Campaign creation date. ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
updatedAtstring (format: date-time)Campaign update date. ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
startDatestring (format: date-time)Campaign emails start sending date. ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
endDatestring (format: date-time)Campaign emails sending end date. ISO 8601 format. Example: 2017-06-30T17:00:00Z
sentintegerSent emails count
clickedintegerClicked links in emails count
bouncedintegerBounced emails count
complainedintegerComplaints count
openedintegerOpen emails count
unsubscribedintegerUnsubscribed contacts count
allSubscribersbooleanIf campaign sent to all subscribers - true.
listsarrayDEPRECATED. Array of list ID's, for which campaign was sent (or will be sent)
listIDstringDEPRECATED. List ID
segmentsarrayArray of segment ID's, for which campaign was sent (or will be sent)
segmentIDstringSegment ID
abTestWinnerintegerArray of abtest winner email attributes. Available only for abTest type campaigns.
abTestobjectArray of abtest variants email attributes. Available only for abTest type campaigns.
abTest.winnerbooleanTrue if this abTest variant email is winner.
byDevicesobjectObject of campaign results sorted by receiver devices
openedobjectObject for opened email count by devices
mobileintegerOpened email in mobile devices count
desktopintegerOpened email in desktop devices count
tabletintegerOpened email in tablet devices count
clickedobjectObject for clicked email links count by devices
mobileintegerClicked links in mobile devices count
desktopintegerClicked links in desktop devices count
tabletintegerClicked links in tablet devices count